Tous les goûts de
Valfleuri sont dans
la nature !

Valfleuri 100 ans
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Discover all our ranges

Wheat, eggs and that’s it!

To make good pasta, you first need good wheat. Some people mix it with water, we mix it with eggs. Lots of eggs. A generous and delicious recipe reflecting Alsatian culture.

Spaetzle, Nests, Nüdle… to obtain these delicious pastas, we choose our ingredients carefully: the wheat is grown in France according to precise specifications and the eggs, also French, come from free-range hens.

Alsacian Valfleuri pasta is made from 7 fresh free-range eggs for one kilo of durum wheat semolina; we have been making it this way for over 100 years.

  • 300 000fresh eggs daily

    There are also 300,000 good reasons to choose free-range eggs!
  • 100%French eggs and wheat

    Cocorico! The eggs and durum wheat that make up our pasta come from French agriculture.
  • PME+for a more engaged world

    We work every day for animal welfare and the preservation of the environment.

Avec ou sans oeufs ? Plutôt Bio ?
Traditionnelle ? Créative ?

Valfleuri vous propose plus de 40 pâtes différentes, disponibles sur notre boutique !

Découvrir nos produits
Illustration de fleur

Our ideas gourmet…

Masque partie environnement

Valfleuri’s commitment to the environment and
animal welfare

Our story is a beautiful one: in the space of a century, we’ve gone from being an artisanal producer to an industrial one. Today, as the 3rd largest pasta manufacturer in France, we are committed to limiting our impact on the environment and contributing to animal welfare. Find out more about our commitments.
Discover our commitments